The Museum of Folk Art in Armenia

The Museum of Folk-Art in Armenia is a unique cultural and art center representing Armenian decorative and applied art. It was named after Hovhannes Sharambeyan, a famous Armenian painter and distinguished representer of Art.

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Makaravank monastery is located on the slopes of Paytataph mount, in Tavush Region. It was built in the 13th century.The Makaravank Monastery in its uniqueness, richness, and diversity occupies an important place in Armenian architecture.

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Saint Mesrop Mashtots Church

The Saint Mesrop Mashtots Church is located in Oshakan town (Aragatostn region). This church is dedicated to the founder of Armenian Alphabet Mesrop Mashtots.

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Yerevan Opera Theatre

Yerevan, a heart of Armenia, is full of statues, buildings and other monuments that give special look to this ancient city. Every building gives a new breath to this lovely pink city. The Armenian architects and masters created such kind of buildings that are still wondering everyone. Yerevan being a capital of Armenia is famous for its unique, outstanding and exclusive structure.

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Yereruyk Basilica

Yereruyk is ancient Armenian Church located in Aragatsotn region. Due to its unique architectural type, it is considered to be one of the greatest buildings of Middle Ages.

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Karmravor Church

Karmravor Saint Astvatsatsin Church is located in Ashtarak town. There is no exact information about the origin or the founder of the church.

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Mother Armenia

The Armenians fought through centuries and decades, millions of heroes died for the independence of Armenia. Amongst the brave Armenian soldiers, were brave Armenian women who struggled equally.

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Sanahin Monastery

Sanahin is monastery complex located in Alaverdi town, Lori region. According to a legend, Sanahin was named after the master of a student that built Haghpat monastery.

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Saint Sarkis Church

Being located on the left bank of Hrazdan River stands a beautiful church. It was built in Yerevan in 1842.  Once it was huge complex surrounded with high gates and included three churches St Sarkis, St Gevorg and St Hakob.

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Geghard monastery

Geghard is medieval monastery complex in Armenia, located in Kotayk region near Goght town. The monastery was built in a place where once was a famous sanctuary, due to its sacred sources coming from the rocks.

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Goshavank is medieval monastery complex. It is located in Gosh town (Tavush Region), at the left bank of Getik River. The previous name of the church was Nor Getik, but after the death of Mkhitar Gosh, the church was renamed Goshavank.

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Saint Gregory the Enlightener Cathedral

The Saint Gregory the Enlightener Cathedral is the largest Armenian Apostolic Church in Armenia. It is located in the Central part of Yerevan.

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Khor Virap monastery is located in Ararat region near Lusarat town. This monastery is considered to be Armenian famous sanctuary and pilgrimage.

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Khachkar Cross-stone

Khachkar or Cross-stone is an extraordinary phenomenon in Armenian Art. The master used the cross to express his own feelings and dreams. The khachkars are the best creation of Armenian Architecture equal to other architectural buildings (Rafael Israelian).

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Zoravor Surb Astvatsatsin Church

Zoravor Surb Astvatsatsin Church is one of the oldest churches in Yerevan. The Church is located in the oldest part of Yerevan which was called Shahar district.

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Tatev Monastery

Goris is considered to be the most visited destination of the tourists because one of the wonders of Armenia is here. The one and only Tatev Monastery complex is situated here. It is not a secret that Tatev is a fascinating place that attracts everyone.

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Haghpat Monastery

Haghpat is medieval monastery complex located in Haghpat town Lori Region. Haghpat monastery was built in 10th century. Haghpat was eminent spiritual and cultural center of Armenia.

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Hovhanavank is medieval monastery complex in Aragatsotn region. It is located on the right bank of Kasakh River, at the edge of a high gorge.

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